The c/o chamber orchestra is about collaboration and teamwork – we know very well that you can’t do it alone!

We need your help to create something not just musically unique, but to keep exploring how we can all work better together. Whether you join us at a concert, listen to our recordings, or make a donation to support our work, the musicians are only half the equation. Without an audience, there is no concert!

If you are interested in supporting us directly, please get in touch with us at:

The c/o chamber orchestra is a non-profit organization based in Berlin, and all of our projects are made possible by the support of incredible foundations, cities and individual people who have welcomed us.

You can be a part of that and donate to us either via Paypal:



or if you are in Germany directly by bank transfer:

c/o chamber orchestra e. V.
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
IBAN: DE28 1005 0000 0190 7552 88

Please be sure to include your name and address if you are a resident of Germany, so that we can send you a Tax Receipt at the end of the year!